I am so happy to be running my second giveaway! This time I will be giving away a copy of Barbara Diamond Goldin’s book, “Cakes and Miracles, A Purim Story”. (You can see my review in my previous post.)

You can enter two ways:


1)What is the best Purim costume you and/ or your kids ever dressed up in? Post your answer in the comment box here on my blog, or


2)’like’ my Art by Ann page on facebook and post your favorite costume there.


Do either 1 of  these 2 things and you will be entered in the raffle. The drawing will take place in one week, on Sunday the 26th.

Act fast if you want in!




13 Responses

  1. We do themes as a family every year, so it is really hard to choose. One of the most creative is when my husband and I dressed up as the farm couple from the “American Gothic” painting, and instead of holding a pitchfork, my husband held my baby who was dressed as a cow. Another time, we dressed as characters from Wonderland. I was the Queen of Hearts, my husband was the Mad Hatter, my four year old son was a playing card – the four of hearts complete with paintbrush and roses, and my one year old was the white rabbit with a little vest.

  2. We got an adorable Chinese outfit for our first baby and loved it so much, we put every baby in it their first Purim. It became a family tradition!

  3. Once my daughter dressed up as a pink princess. So did just about every other girl. We took a great group photo of all the girls in their pink.

  4. Our best costume was based on our family’s favorite Board Game called the “Settlers of Catan.” A bit obscure but we dressed up as the 5 resources needed to develop the island and our Shlach manos matched, too.

    Resource: Costume: Food

    Sheep: Shepherdess: white ‘Candy canes’
    Brick: brick wall: Brownies
    Grain: Scarecrow: hamentashen
    Lumber: Lumberjack: Pretzel Rods
    Ore: Miner: Rock Candy
    Robber: Homemade beer

  5. I am soirry to say that I never dressed up on Purim myself because I did not know about it. But I am going to dress my granddaughter up this year—as a princess. Just like Esther, I pray that she will be a beautiful princess, inside and out.

  6. Last Purim I dressed up as “Lady Graga”. I had all different kinds of graggers pinned to my shirt, skirt and hat!
    When my sons were young they dressed up as “Oscar the Grouch”–green clothes, green make-up on the face and a silver beret on the head and a silver foiled “trash can” around the body.
    Last year my two grand-daughters had a clever costume combination: the older one (9 years old) dressed up as a nurse (achot in Hebrew) and her baby sister (6 months old) was also dressed in a white outfit and matching nurse’s hat with a sign that said
    Achot ketana” (achot also means sister, so it was a play on words).

  7. The favorite costume we dressed up in for Purim was a Shalach Manot basket. My son dressed up as the child-size basket. So cute!
    Wrappers to kosher food on there!

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