I am so pleased to be hosting this months Jewish Book Carnival!

Hope you enjoy this months links:

  • At Life is Like a Library, Kathe dresses up as…well just check out the pictures!
  • On Jewish Muse, Linda K. Wertheimer contemplates the essence of spirituality.
  • Erika Dreifus presents a round up of books that contend with the historical case of  “The Dreyfus Affair”.
  • At Homeshuling, Amy Meltzer wrestles with Princesses, Shabbat and otherwise.
  • At Under My Hat, Rebecca Kempner talks about a new project that gives away free Hebrew  language books (I am always a fan of FREE!-who isn’t?)
  • On Interfaith Family, David Levy reviewed “Reflections of a Loving Partner: Caregiving at the End of Life” by C. Andrew Martin.
  • On the Jewish Book Council blog, author Evan Fallenberg discussed the truth and what that is, really?
  • Author/ Illustrator Nancy Cote blogs about Ariella Books, Germany’s first Jewish Children’s book publisher since WW II.
  • On Leoraw, a review of Lilliam Nattel’s novel, The River Midnight.
  • The Whole Megillah‘s Barbara Krasner interviews David A. Adler, author of more than 200 books.
  • Erika Dreifus presents a round up of books that contend with the historical case of  “The Dreyfus Affair”.
  • Barbara Beitz interviews, um… me! About my new book, “Noah’s Swim-A-thon”. Thanks, Barbara!
  • The Book of Life posts an audio podcast of, uhm…me again. (Heidi insisted I post this. Really.) Thanks, Heidi for making me sound good!
  • Dori Weinstein discusses the x. y. z formula that affects both good TV, and  Rabbi Kushner’s ethical insights.
  • JPS Blogs about books that explore the ‘Circumcision Decision’.
  • Book Frontiers reviews “Hereville”, a wonerful graphic novel about an Orthodox Jewish girl who also fights trolls. ( I loved it!)
  • The Boston Bibliophile reviews ” The Last Brother” by Nathacha Appanah
  • Let’s jump is Ellen Bari’s message in her all-about-the pogo stick post.
  • Author Erica Perl shares how fun it is to share her new book.
  • Goodreads shares with us the story of  a very amazing dog.
  • Rayna Eliana reviews”Who Shall Live: The Wilhelm Bachner Story”.
  • It’s an amazing diversity of topics this month: princesses, trolls, authors, reviews…lots to read!
  • 12 Responses

    1. Thank you for including my review of the The River Midnight.

      I also enjoyed Hereville – what a clever book. I look forward to reading the other reviews as well.

    2. Thanks Ann! Great job! Great blogs! Thanks for ‘jumping’ right in to host the July Jewish Book Carnival and for giving me a chance hop on board!

    3. BS”D

      Great idea Ann! Can I write a book review for you? Do you think I should get a website?

      All the best,
      Ruby G.

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