Heidi, Dena & Me!

So fun to hang out with Heidi Estrin and Dena Neusner at Book Expo! You can discover Jewish Books on Heidi’s podcast at http://jewishbooks.blogspot.com.

Jessie Marie is Awesome!

Just wanted to give a shoot-out to Jessica Marie Boehret. Jessica, THANK YOU so much for saving me at the Book Expo coat check line, and slipping me the $3 to check my suitcase. I’d forgotten take cash that day and she was really a lifesaver, swooping in to help little old me, a complete […]

#16 Frog-A-Day: Ambitious Frog

“My Mom always told me to “Aim High”. So, even though I knew that Pharaoh’s palace was out of my reach, I was going to make there, no matter how many hops it took me.”

Frog Coloring-Bonus Page

Hi, there. So sometimes, (especially when I am plugging a new book) I make TWO coloring pages a month. Bonus coloring! Click on the image and print. (And if you are having trouble printing from the image, try this pdf:  Frog Coloring)

Frog Bulletin Board!

Educator Extraordinaire, Diane Zimmerman, has made great Frog Bulletin board–and her students are contributing with their own Fantastic froggies! This is the best exhibition a gal could hope for! Thanks, Diane. Ann