Boynton Beach

Thanks to Andrea Peleg and the Boyton Beach JCC for hosting me yesterday! The weather and the kids were fantastic, and fun was had by all. 

A Plethora of Passover Pretty Pins

I have been having fun over at Pinterest creating several Passover boards. There is still time to take a look before the chametz comes back: passover-art-for-kids Random Passover things I like Great Passover Toys Etsy Stuff    Hope you enjoy the rest of the Chag!    

Passover Coloring Page #2

  Since a whole bunch of kids are actually home today and even more tomorrow,( not sure why…)I thought you might like a second Passover activity to keep them occupied. This one is a color by letter–B is for blue, R for Red etc. If you would like more, you can my second coloring page […]

Top 10 Passover links

Folks seemed to really like my link round-up for Purim, so I thought I do it again for Passover. Here’s some fun things from around the web:   #1 Passover apps are featured in  Tablet magazine. They include, I kid you not, a fake ‘flame’ to search your home for chametz with. This falls under the “what […]

Top 10 Passover toys

If you are looking to make the seder a little more fun for the kids, check out some of these. #1 Chametz – The Search is On! #2 Passover Double Puzzle #3 Passover Box of Questions #4 Frog Hoppers Game by Viking Toys   #5 Frog Parking   #6 LEGO Minifigure Collection Series 2 LOOSE Mini Figure Egyptian Pharaoh   #7 Moses […]

How do I get published?

…is the most popular question I get asked. Typically, and author will submit a manuscript to a publisher, while an illustrator submits a portfolio of past work for consideration. An author need not have his mss. illustrated to submit; in fact, conventional wisdom is that it is unprofessional to do so unless the author and […]

Toy Review: Passover Boardgame

Chametz – The Search is On! Do you like Clue? Then you’ll enjoy this fun Passover boardgame: “Chametz: The Search is On!” The premise: One evening, a variety of snacks are served to a group of guests in the home of Colonel Moti. One of his guests inadvertently leaves an item of chametz somewhere in […]

Shlemiel Crooks-now a Passover Play!

While researching her geneaology, kids book author Anna Olswanger found the kernel of her picture book, Shlemiel Crooks in a Yiddish newspaper article she had uncovered.  The article was about the attempted robbery of her great-grandfather’s kosher liquor store in 1919. This is the English translation of the article:   Reb Eliyahu Olschwanger Almost Robbed […]

Passover Art

Here are just some of my Passover themed pieces, which you can see (and purchase! Makes an excellent hostess gift!) at  

Passover Coloring Page

Click on the image, print and color.   And, while you are here, come and see some of my Passover art here. Chag Kasher V’sameach!    

Toy Review: Passover DBL PZL

From Pigment & Hue comes a  cool puzzle with a Passover theme. What’s great: The Packaging-They come in these cool triangular boxes that make it seem design-ny, and special.   The Quality: The pieces are chunky, thick, and substanitial.   The Concept & Execution: Love the idea that all their puzzles have one image to […]

Toy Review: Passover Box of Questions

Starting with the famous the Mah Nishtana, Passover is a holiday of questions. It is very fitting, then, that Melissa & Doug have created this lovely “Passover Box of Questions: Cards to Create Great Conversations.”                             (See the Passover Box of Questions here) […]