Jewish Book Carnival

Welcome to the Jewish Book Carnival, a collection of links from great Jewish Book blogs. As always, there are some great links to surf to this month. Here they are:   –Boston Bibliophile reviews of Susan Sherman’s book THE LITTLE RUSSIAN   –Needle in the bookstack   interviews Dr. Jonathan Krasner about his book The Benderly Boys & […]

Anyone want to be my blog-buddy?

I hav recently been following Darren Rowse’s “31 Days to a better Blog” exercise, and for Day 15, he suggests I find a blog buddy. This is basically someone who has a blog in a related field, and we work together to crit each others blogs, guest post on them, etc. Is anyone out there […]

Review: The Shabbat Princess

The Shabbat Princess by Amy Meltzer Illustrated by Martha Aviles Anybody out there have a little girl who is fascinated with princesses? Well, Amy Meltzer brilliantly plays on that common obsession, and uses it to create a story about hiddur mitzvah—which is hard to translate, but basically means ‘beautifying a mitzvah’.   The Shabbat Princess […]

Top 10 Purim links

I love Purim! I think it’s my favorite holiday. You get candy, and you can drive home after seudah (unlike some of our 3 day extravaganzas!) Here’s my top 10 favorite Purim things to see, listen to, taste, and enjoy from around the web.(oh–and the photo is from a couple of Purims ago when my […]

YU seforim sale pics

Me and my sister in law, Sara Diament, and two other authors:Rabbi BEnjamin Blech and Dr. Saul Landa–all YU alums. At the YU seforim sale family day.

…and the winner is…

and the winner of the book is…Melissa! Congratulations. Thanks to everyone who participated–there are some really fun creative costume ideas here. I really enjoyed reading them! Have a wonderful Purim!

Purim Coloring Page

Hi. Can’t believe it’s almost Purim! My favorite. (The only problem is, that Passover comes right after, and I am still in denial about that…) Anyway, just click on the image, print and give to your expert color-ers. If you are looking for a second fun acitivity, you can get my  page from last year here. […]


I am so happy to be running my second giveaway! This time I will be giving away a copy of Barbara Diamond Goldin’s book, “Cakes and Miracles, A Purim Story”. (You can see my review in my previous post.) You can enter two ways:   1)What is the best Purim costume you and/ or your […]

Cakes & Miracles A Purim Tale

Purim is known as a holiday of hidden miracles, and things unseen. How appropriate then, that ‘Cakes and Miracles: a Purim Tale” tells the story of a blind boy name Herschel who wishes he could help his mother prepare for the holiday. Herschel learns that while he can’t ‘see’, he has an inner sight of […]

Eric Kimmel-Interview

I was so pleased to be asked to interview Eric Kimmel for the Sydney Taylor awards blog tour. (thanks, Heidi!) This is probably one of my longest blog posts. I usually try to keep them short because I am aware that modern attention span is nil, but everything he said was so interesting, I couldn’t […]

Tu B’shvat Coloring Page

Celebrate the Jewish New Year for trees! As always, just click on the image, and print. (and if you do share it with kids–I’d love to see them. Send me your pics of their art and I will post it here. They’ll be famous!)

Lazar, the Good Deed Dog

My interview with author Myrna Shanker about her new book that tells the story of a most exceptional mutt.   I know that your book, “Lazar the Good Deed Dog”, is based on a real life dog who lives at a senior residence in Michigan. How did you first learn about this Lazar? I met […]