FREE Giveaways?

So, from the great response that I have received from my coloring page posts, I have concluded that apparently people like free stuff. This has led me to consider holding  raffles/ giveaways for fun products of mine such as kids books, artwork, puzzles, coloring books, etc. To enter, folks would have to post something on […]


Thanks, Maxine for taking these  pics! The kids at YCQ were really wonderful–I had a great time.

Thanksgiving Craft

Here is an easy and simple thanksgiving craft that can add some meaning to your kids celebration. It first appeared in the book that I co-authored with Debbie Herman, “Beyond Turkey”. Just click on the link above and print. Happy Turkey!  

For Succot

Just in time, here is a simple maze for your kids to complete about the 4 minim. (Man, I hope it stops raining! It is so disappointing to build and decorate a succah and then not be able to sit in it!)

Sweet New Year!

A mini-coloring page for the mini-people in your family. L’shana Metukah!

Some thoughts on Tisha B’Av & Books

When I decided I wanted to write a kid’s book about Jewish Summertime themes, I steered clear of Tisha B’av. Even though the 3 weeks, 9 days and two fasts are a large block of the Summer, the themes of tragedy seemed too weighty, too sad, and frankly too uncomfortable. I instead focused on camp, […]