Lifeguarding and illustration

I just started reading R.O. Blechman’s book, “Dear James” letters to a young illustrator. In it he discusses lots of different details about the life and craft of creating images… On page 38, he writes, “I’ve rarely embarked on a project without a commission…but waiting around for a commission is not the best way to […]

Final Rose Fence

I finished the piece. Probably the last piece I do until September, since I will be lifeguarding in a couple of weeks…

Pencil Drawing

So happy that I actually had some time to sketch today! That felt good.


This is a fun talk by Kevan Atteberry, the creator of clippy! It’s always cool to be reminded that there are people behind  the design of..well, of everything really!

Book of Life Podcast

Back in 2007, The Book of Life, a podcast about books of Jewish interest interviewed me about my snowflake called “Jerusalem of Peace,” which was created for Robert’s Snow for Cancer’s Cure. [audio:] Listen and enjoy!

H.A.N.C. Cookbook Cover

I designed the cover for the Hebrew Academy of Nassau County Cookbook that just came out this month.  Check it out!

Stationery Show

Today I attended the stationery show at the Javits Center in NYC.   Here is the site for an artist I met–he does lovely work.