Welcome to the Jewish Book Carnival, a collection of links from great Jewish Book blogs.

As always, there are some great links to surf to this month. Here they are:


Boston Bibliophile reviews of Susan Sherman’s book THE LITTLE RUSSIAN


Needle in the bookstack   interviews Dr. Jonathan Krasner about his book The Benderly Boys & American Jewish Education,  winner of the National Jewish Book Award for American Jewish Studies.


-Just in time for baseball season, Jewish Boston hosts  a short interview by Molly Parr with author Josh Berkowitz, who has written a memoir called Third Base for Life about his experience coaching a Jewish Day School baseball team.


-Jewish Boston also has a second is a review of children’s books that parents can use to teach Jewish values around Death and Bereavement, by Kathy Bloomfield here.


Barbara Bietz writes about the  Berlin Boxing Club for her stop on the Sydney Taylor Blog book blog tour.


-On My Machberet, Erika Dreifus writes about Ayad Akhtar’s American Dervish and wonders how to respond to one question in the “Reader’s Guide” section of Akhtar’s website: “What do you think of the relationship between Islam and Judaism in the novel?”


-The Jewish Muse  tells us how Jewish Kids’ Books Can Give Reality Check: Our World Is Diverse


-The Whole Megillah hosts an an interview with The Berlin Boxing Club author Robert Sharenow and his HarperCollins editor Kristin Daly Rens and a  review of the debut novel, Blue Thread, of Ruth Tenzer Feldman


-And from the Jewish Book Council, we have a a wonderful selection of books for women’s history month and a collection of works on journeys.

and last but not least,

-Check out my link here, where I explain my search for a blog buddy (any takers here?)


-and you might also enjoy my review of Amy Meltzer’s The Shabbat Princess here.


Thanks so much for stopping by!



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