So, from the great response that I have received from my coloring page posts, I have concluded that apparently people like free stuff. This has led me to consider holding  raffles/ giveaways for fun products of mine such as kids books, artwork, puzzles, coloring books, etc. To enter, folks would have to post something on my blog that somehow relates to the content of whatever it is that I am giving away.

So I ask my loyal coloring page enthusiasts: is this something that would interest you? Post your answer to the comments section of this post!

And, if you have any great suggestions of giveaways that you would be interested in, I am all ears!!



3 Responses

  1. Any opportunity to give a child a different way of learning about a topic, a Yom Tov, a middah, is a wonderful opportunity, especially, I would say, for moms who have younger ones at home and need to help keep them busy leading up to Shabbosim, Yom TOvim, etc. So, Kudos!

  2. I love your books, art, and activities. Who could resist a giveaway! I have been pinning ideas that you give out on Pinterest to spread. I will be making the safety shamash holder with my kids (5 and 7 years) and my pre K students. It will be great to use on Hanukkah so we don’t burn our fingers! I am constantly looking for ideas of all kinds.

  3. Thank you for sharing… I have recently subscribed to your blog and just apprecaite when folks are willing to share their gifts. I agree that most people like getting “free” anything. I have a beautiful 3 year old granddaughter who loves making crafts and has learned to color within the lines– I would love to have the opportunity to win one of your books, artwork, or coloring books.

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