For Israel. For Tisha B’Av.

Tisha B’Av is this Tuesday. Because of all that’s going on in Israel, it’s going to be even more meaningful than usual for me, I think. So I thought it was appropriate for this months image to be one that shows support for Israel, and the hope that Jerusalem, and all of Israel, enjoys a […]

Yom Yerushalayim

I apologize! I totally dropped the ball and missed Yom Haa’ztmaut. But here is one for Yom Yerushalayim as a make-up. Enjoy. (Having trouble printing from the image below? Try it as a pdf: jerusalemb.)                     And in that spirit…if you are looking for some fun kids […]

Coloring Page- 9 Days

The nine days are here. I always find it  difficult to communicate the meaning behind them to young kids. However, expressing our love for Jerusalem and hope for peace there seems a step in the right direction. Here’s a coloring page that expresses that ideal:         Also: for all you grown-ups out […]

For my nephew

I made this formy nephew Kovi on his Bar Mitzvah! He is now celebrating in Israel, and I am a very proud Aunt. MAZEL TOV!